Friday, February 9, 2007

Special Recovery Gift!

Good news Shirley it fit!!! Thank you so much. You really need to know how special this is to me and the person who is wearing this bracelet.

Strange how things happen in this world. I have just been re-united with an old friend I haven’t seen in over 20 years. Since the last time I saw her, she has gone through some tough times and is Recovering and going through a 12 step program. The hardest part she is dealing with is Step 3, trusting in her higher power. I over the past 20 years have gone away from my “formal” religious upbringing and have turned to a more spiritual path that has me feeling pretty good about my life. I guess I have been able to give her some insight into trusting the Energy, Light, Power, God, what ever you wish to call it, that surrounds her. So this bracelet was something I felt might give her the sense of serenity and Peace of Mind when things may get chaotic. It’s also my birthstone.

I just found out that she will be celebrating 2 years of sobriety on Friday evening and that she picked out a blouse to wear that is purple! The bracelet will match perfectly. Thank you Shirley for your special gifts, I will visit again soon

Regards and Blessings to you, Frank T.

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